10th india supply Chain thought Leadership Summit 2024

Reimagine Rethink Redesign
Supply Chain

In an era marked by global macroeconomic shifts, geopolitical tensions, climate challenges, and commercial disruptions, the necessity to reimagine, rethink, and redesign supply chains has never been more critical. Amidst these changes, India stands out with its remarkable rise, prompting a transformative approach to supply chain management. Join us at the India Supply Chain Thought Leadership Summit to explore how Indian firms are innovating and reshaping their supply chains to adapt to these dynamic conditions. Discover emerging best practices as over 250 supply chain leaders come together for this exclusive event, offering unparalleled peer-to-peer networking opportunities.

Key Themes

This year we will explore the linked themes of planning, process, technology and geography and how they are shaping the supply chains for the future.

Theme Address

Navigating Complexity: Building India's Supply Chain Ecosystem to tap into Glocal Opportunities

Navigating the Shift

Strategies for Developing Logistics Fulfillment Capabilities in Organizations

From Plan to Reality

Transforming Supply Chains for the Future - A Strategic Perspective

Adaptive Strategies

Integrating Identification, Innovation, and Integration for Enhanced Resilient Planning Capabilities

A Blueprint for Change

Implementing Emerging Best Practices for Building Responsible and Sustainable Supply Chains

From Chaos to Clarity

Integrating Agility and Visibility in Future Supply Chain Organizations - The role of emerging technology

Participating industry leaders



Oil & Gas



Food & Beverage


3PL / 4PL


Aggregator Platforms



Air Cargo Operators




Heavy Engineering


Auto & Auto Ancillary

Presenting Partner

Platinum Partners

Exhibit Partner

Associate Partner